Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day Two - First Setback

I've faced my first disappointment with my resolution and its only the 2nd day. UGH!

I went to my yogalates class last night and I enjoyed it. It was really easy on my body. But I didn't break a sweat, and I know in order to burn calories I need to start sweating. So, my Mix-It-Up Aerobics was this morning. The teacher explained that "mix-it-up" means that each class would be different. We were doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) today. It started off with a set of jumping jacks. Not good. Since having a baby (or two), jumping up and down is bad news for me. The only exercise I seem to get is in my gut while I try not to pee my pants. Not exactly the point of the exercise. The jumping continued too. Along with that we did arm work and other leg work. After a while I started to get pooped out (not literally). Almost like I had used up all of my energy and water and my body was kaput. I also felt like I was going to throw up. Since this was NOT an episode of The Biggest Loser, I figured I'd run to the bathroom and see if I felt better when I returned. I felt even worse when I came back. I was dizzy and was sure if I continued I'd throw up. I sat down and never really felt better so I didn't get back up. I had made it through only half of the class (30 mins or less). When I went to take a shower, I STILL felt like crap.

In my mind, I came up with many reasons why the class didn't work for me today: I didn't get much sleep thanks to the baby, I haven't been taking in many calories, I didn't drink enough water, I haven't exercised in about a year and a half. Overall, I think I bit off more than I could chew for my first steps. So, I am now reconsidering this Mix-It-Up class. It may be too high a level for me at this point. I mean...even the teacher of the class wasn't able to continually do the intervals. She was moaning and taking breaks saying she just couldn't get through it. And the amount of jumping? I'm gonna need Depends to continue the class. Maybe I need to trade out this class for something that will ease me into cardio-workouts. Maybe walking/running (on a treadmill because its just too cold for me out there).  I want to make sure I do SOMETHING and I don't want to hate that "something" because I want to continue exercising.

If anyone has any suggestions or feedback about my thoughts on replacing my current class with something a little easier (while still being cardio) let me know.

I haven't given up. I'm just need to reevaluate the plan I drew up.


  1. It'll get easier as you build up stamina and muscle. Power through for 3-weeks at which point it becomes routine and it will be harder to quit.

  2. Start slow and work your way into more. It's been a while since I've been to the gym and could hardly handle 10 minutes on the treadmill the other day. I have a board on Pinterest with a bunch of different exercise posts...take a look through and start out doing some things at home. There's a page on facebook called Skinny Ms. Fitness too. They post workouts every day. You can do it Heather!!!

  3. Have you tried or considered Zumba? It's fun, which makes it not agonizing, and you can alter the intensity to your needs. There is no other exercise (treadmill, stepper, jogging) that I can do for an hour without either falling over or wanting to shoot myself.
