Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day Ten - Getting Comfortable

When I first started this diet and working exercise into my life I felt really anxious most of the time. Unsure if I was eating the right thing, totally lost about where to start with excercise, and incredibly uncomfortable with how I looked. Over the past 10 days, I've started to feel a little bit more comfortable about the path I'm going down. My stomach appears to have shrunk a little bit because I'm not as hungry after eating my smaller meals. I also have learned that I feel much more satisfied eating proteins rather than carbs. I already knew this fact in my head, but I feel now I KNOW its the truth and if I need a snack, I turn to proteins first (banana with 1 or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter is a good one). 

I've recently admitted to myself that I'm lactose-intolerant. Unfortunately that means SlimFast is a little more challenging for me. I can't just buy the canned shakes. I have to buy the powder and make sure I have Lactaid avaiable (apparently soy milk isn't intended to be a substitute for milk with SlimFast. I think the problem is you don't get enough of the right vitamins/nutrients). I've run out of Lactaid at work and haven't gotten a chance to replenish it. And while the snack stand at my work has canned SlimFast, I can't really buy those (unless I want to feel crummy the rest of the afternoon). So I've just been watching my calorie intake. I think it helps to mix things up too. Not only do I get some variety in the foods I eat, I also keep my body guessing by mixing up the calroie intake at each meal (rather than emach meal being 200 calories exactly).

I'm still working on my water intake, but I found a idea that seems to be helping. I've put a Post-It note with the word "WATER" in my cubicle at work. Its in an area that I often see throughout my day (over my phone on my calendar). My rule is everytime I look at the post-it, I need to take a drink of water. And not just a sip. This seems to be helping get a little more water in me. Although, it also makes me have to go to the bathroom more. :P

As for exercise, I feel like I'm ready to attempt an aerobics DVD at home. I've been going on the treadmill as my "aerobic excercise" to build up my stamina after my partially-failed attempt at my morning aerobics class. I think I'm ready to try and jump around (a very little bit) and try and follow a routine. The only problem now will be figuring out how to do it at my crazy home.... ;)  I do have other ideas to try for aerobic activity if the DVDs don't work out. The YMCA does have Zumba classes that I may try the next session they offer it. I also am considering doing a Couch to 5K program, where you train to RUN in a 5K. And there's always other aerobics classes.

I have really appreicated all of the support and encouragement I have received from everyone. All of the comments, suggestions and "You can do it!" chants have really motivated me to stick with this plan. I also am getting a surprising amount of motivation from If you don't know what Pinterest is, it is basically an online bulletin board where you post things you find on the internet that are cool. Many people use the site to post fitness or motivation items and just looking through them gives me hope and encouragement. I'm including a few below.

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