Saturday, March 9, 2013

Better than I feared

Today I finally went for another run. Yes, its been a week. I was very sore after skiing, then I ended up with a bad cold. Then on Thursday and Friday, I just used excuses. But today I finally got off my butt and went for a run.

I had been told that today was going to be "gorgeous" and "warm". This was not the case. Granted, it was over 40 degrees, but my ears still got painfully cold, it was rather windy and I even felt some cold raindrops fall. Despite the shockingly winter-ish weather, I had a surprisingly good run!

I had expected to have a lot of trouble getting going and to feel winded and tired after the first few steps. Instead, I was able to run the vast majority of my 30-minute run! Even when I took walk breaks, it wasn't because I had to, but more because I felt like I needed to reserve some energy for the end of my run. According to RunKeeper, I ran 2.27 miles in 30 minutes at a pace of 13:18 per mile. Now, this is still very slow in the running world, but I'm just happy I went at all. And I hope to SOMEDAY improve these numbers.

As a note, the reason I ran 30 minutes is because I've started a new fad. Its called Gym Pact I heard about it on NPR news. Its an app where you commit to doing however many workouts you want within a week. You then set a price for each workout and if you miss a workout, you have to pay that price. I set mine at $10 per workout. The idea is that you may be more motivated to workout when your money is on the line. And a bonus, if you workout when you're supposed to, you get paid! You get a portion of the payments that other people had to made when they missed workouts. Kinda cool, eh? I figured it was worth a try. I'll let you know how it goes.

I hope to get out for another run tomorrow. I need it after all of the Nutella I've been eating lately. Ugh. So much for Slim Fast. That was put on hold when I got sick. And then my hormones went haywire, so ALL bets were off.

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