Thursday, February 16, 2012


The first time I met my coach, he actually thought my name was Slow-inski. I admit it. I am a slow-a** runner. In fact, my brother questions if what I do can even be considered running or jogging since I'm so incredibly slow. I see his point. When I get on a treadmill, I start off by walking at a 3.5 miles per hour speed. Its a comfortable pace for me. When I run, I increase the treadmill to a whopping 4.0. I'm pretty sure some people WALK that fast. But that is my running speed. S-L-O-W.

In 2006 when I trained to run my first half-marathon, I started off feeling great. I had some days where I ran more miles than were scheduled and I kept pushing myself to try to go faster. Within a month and a half, I ended up with Achilles tendonitis, which is basically where your heel hurts anytime you take a step walking or running. I was told I got it because I tried to do too much too fast. I did physical therapy and got over it, but the therapists kept telling me I had to take it easy. Therefore, I am cautious increasing that speed on my treadmill now. I'm just starting out and my body may be working with me, but only because I'm being nice. I have a feeling if I over did it, my body wouldn't be so cooperative.

At this rate, it will take me about 3.5 hours to finish the half-marathon if I "run". Oddly enough, thats how long it took me when I walked the race with just a tiny bit of running too. People do say you go faster race day because you're so excited and full of adrenaline. So who knows? Maybe I can finish in just 3 hours (still only going 4.3 miles per hour).

So for now, I'm just gonna plan on settling in to the back of the crowd at the race. The fact that I have actually gotten on my treadmill and "run" most of a two mile distance is already an accomplishment. If I can do the same with 13.1 miles, it will be awesome. And I'll just have to constantly keep in mind:

1 comment:

  1. Glad i'm not the only one that runs slow. I'm still fairly new to this whole running thing and my top speed is about 4.2 (and to me that feels fast lol).

    It's interesting that you write about Achilles tendonitis. The last 2 mornings I've woken up with slight heel pain. I think mine is plantar faciitis as it's on the bottom of my foot rather than the back heel. I actually had it in the spring last year too when I took up exercising more. I hope by getting to it earlier I can stretch and ice and save myself some pain. Also need to slow down, no more Zumba then treadmill for another 20 min.

    Thanks for the update. Good luck with the training, don't push yourself too much.
