Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day One - Giddy

I wanted to get a blog entry in today but with my yogalates class tonight, I don't think I'll have much time to sit down and type, so I'm doing it now. I apologize for the lack of captivating content.

Today I'm running on adrenaline. I'm so excited to get in shape and am incredibly eager to get going. Although, keep in mind, this is before any exercise has started. Ask me in a week how excited I am and I bet I'll have another answer.

I found a Shape magazine challenge that I've decided to do for my exercise. http://www.shape.com/fitness/training-plans/30-days-fitness Its a mix of cardio, strength training and yoga/pilates. It seems to hit every body area, which I really like since I don't just want to lose weight. I want to get toned too. The only bad part is I have to learn how to do each exercise. I also had to purchase some equipment since I don't own anything but a thick mat and hand weights. I have purchased a yoga mat, a kettlebell and a foam roller. I still need to get a medicine ball and tube things (have I really been out of the exercise-scene so long that I don't know about half of this equipment????). I've already paid for my yogalates class too. I BETTER stick with this resolution, otherwise I just wasted a bunch of money!

My big concern with all of this exercise is WHEN to fit it into my schedule. Having 2 kids and a job can make it a challenge to figure out when you can get to the gym or even get some time in a large room at home alone. My husband is great and takes the kids to school/daycare in the mornings which allows me to head to aerobics Monday and Wednesday mornings. But I enjoy giving my kids a kiss goodbye in the morning, so I don't think I can do all of my workouts in the morning. Also, in every article I've ever read about successfully losing weight, they mention you need plenty of sleep, so its not like I can stay up all hours to get my exercise in. I'm hopeful I can find some time at home to do my workouts after work. If not, I may have to start reserving some conference rooms at work to get my exercise in at lunch!

My Slim Fast breakfast and lunch have been good so far. They're keeping me pretty satisfied. But again, I haven't started working out so we shall see. My first Yogalates class is tonight and my aerobics class is tomorrow morning. I'll report back on both.

Before I close this, I have to thank everyone for their incredible support and encouragement! I was so surprised to see so many comments on my blog, on Facebook and on Twitter. It made me feel amazing and it definitely motivated me even more. So THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You guys ROCK! I will do my absolute best to give this blog a super happy ending! :)

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